Business Info
Address: 1530 S Evans St Suite 104C, Greenville, NC 27834
Phone: 252.321.6331
We sell various brands of natural and organic hair/body products: shea butter, jojoba butter, coconut oil, aloe vera juice and gel, grapeseed oil, almond oil, glycerin, Jamaican Black Castor Oil products, Free Your Mane, Kinx, Oyin Handmade, My Honey Child, Bee Mine, November Beauty, Jinsa Essentials, Hicks EDGES, Hair Rules, Taliah Waajid, Jessicurl, Alikay Naturals, Quench, Curly Solutions, Taliah Waajid, Karen's Body Beautiful, Koils by Nature, Afroveda, Curls, curly Solutions, Quench, and much more. In addition to hair products we have natural bath and body products and t-shirts.